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How Often Should You Clean Your Keg?

Jun. 28, 2024

Maintaining the cleanliness of your keg is crucial for ensuring the quality and taste of your beverages, whether you're a homebrewer, a bar owner, or simply a beer enthusiast. Regular cleaning prevents contamination, preserves the flavor of your drinks, and extends the lifespan of your equipment. But how often should you clean your keg? Let’s dive into the details.

1. After Every Use

The best practice for keeping your keg in optimal condition is to clean it after every use. Here’s why:

  • Prevent Bacterial Growth: After each use, residue from the beer and any remaining yeast or sediment can become a breeding ground for bacteria if not properly cleaned. This can lead to off-flavors and spoilage.

  • Maintain Flavor Integrity: Cleaning your keg after each use ensures that the flavors of different batches of beer don't mix, preserving the intended taste of your beverages.

  • Reduce Build-Up: Regular cleaning prevents the build-up of residues and deposits, making the cleaning process easier and quicker each time.

2. Weekly Cleaning for Active Use

If you’re using your keg frequently, such as in a bar or restaurant setting, a weekly cleaning routine can be very effective.

  • Consistent Quality: Weekly cleaning helps maintain the quality and freshness of the beverages, ensuring customers always enjoy the best possible taste.

  • Operational Efficiency: Regular maintenance prevents unexpected issues like clogs or contamination, which can disrupt service and cause downtime.

  • Sanitary Conditions: Keeping a regular cleaning schedule ensures sanitary conditions, which is critical in any food and beverage establishment.

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Keg Washer

3. Monthly Deep Cleaning

In addition to regular cleaning after use and weekly maintenance, performing a deep clean once a month is recommended.

  • Thorough Sanitization: A monthly deep clean involves disassembling the keg and thoroughly cleaning each part, including the dip tube, fittings, and seals. This ensures that any hard-to-reach areas are sanitized.

  • Check for Wear and Tear: During the deep clean, inspect all components for signs of wear and tear. Replace any damaged or worn-out parts to keep your keg in top working condition.

  • Prevent Long-Term Issues: Deep cleaning helps prevent long-term issues like corrosion or stubborn residue build-up, which can affect the performance and longevity of your keg.

4. Cleaning After Long Periods of Inactivity

If your keg has been inactive for an extended period, a thorough cleaning is essential before its next use.

  • Remove Stale Residue: Over time, any residue left in the keg can become stale and cause unpleasant flavors. Cleaning removes these residues and refreshes the keg.

  • Inspect for Contamination: Long periods of inactivity can increase the risk of contamination. Cleaning and sanitizing the keg ensure it is safe and ready for use.

  • Prepare for Optimal Performance: Ensuring the keg is clean and in good condition before its next use guarantees optimal performance and beverage quality.

Questions and Answers

Q: What cleaning solution should I use for my keg?

A: Use a cleaning solution specifically designed for brewing equipment, such as PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) or a similar product. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dilution and usage.

Q: How do I sanitize my keg after cleaning?

A: After cleaning, use a no-rinse sanitizer like Star San to sanitize the keg. Make sure to follow the instructions for the correct dilution and contact time to ensure effective sanitization.

Q: Can I clean my keg with household cleaners?

A: It’s best to avoid household cleaners, as they can leave residues and odors that may affect the flavor of your beverages. Always use cleaners and sanitizers designed for brewing equipment.


Regular cleaning and maintenance of your keg are essential for ensuring the quality, taste, and safety of your beverages. Clean your keg after every use, perform weekly cleanings if it's in frequent use, and conduct monthly deep cleans to keep it in top condition. Additionally, always clean your keg after long periods of inactivity. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy consistently great-tasting drinks and extend the lifespan of your keg.

Our Keg Washer is thoughtfully designed to clean kegs at exceptionally high speeds. It employs advanced cleaning technology to ensure that each keg is thoroughly cleaned and sterilized in minimal time. This not only reduces cleaning cycle times but also increases the brewery's production capacity.

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