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How to Distill Vodka: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jul. 29, 2024

Vodka, known for its smooth and clean taste, is a popular spirit distilled from various fermentable ingredients like grains, potatoes, or even fruits. The process of distilling vodka requires careful attention to detail and adherence to safety protocols. Here’s a step-by-step guide to distilling vodka at home, assuming you have the necessary equipment and permits.

1. Understand the Legalities

Before starting, ensure that you are aware of and comply with local laws and regulations regarding home distillation. In many countries, distilling alcohol at home without a permit is illegal. Obtain any necessary permits or licenses if required.

Distilling Equipment

Distilling Equipment

2. Gather Your Ingredients and Equipment


Fermentable sugar source (grains, potatoes, fruits)




Fermenter (large container with an airlock)

Pot still or reflux still



pH meter (optional)

Collection containers

Carbon filter (optional)

Sanitizing solution

3. Prepare the Mash

The first step in distilling vodka is creating a fermentable mash. The mash is a mixture of your base ingredients and water, which will be fermented to produce alcohol.

a. Choose Your Base Ingredients:

Grains: Corn, wheat, rye, barley

Potatoes: Peeled and cooked

Fruits: Apples, grapes, etc.

b. Convert Starch to Sugar:

For grains and potatoes, you need to convert the starches to fermentable sugars. This can be done by heating the ingredients in water to create a mash.

Milling: Grind the grains or chop the potatoes.

Mashing: Heat water to around 160°F (71°C) and add the ground grains or chopped potatoes. Maintain this temperature and stir for about an hour to allow enzymes to break down starches into sugars.

c. Prepare the Fruit Mash:

If using fruits, crush them to release their sugars.

Distilling Equipment

Distilling Equipment

4. Fermentation

Cool the Mash: After mashing, cool the mixture to around 80°F (27°C).

Transfer to Fermenter: Pour the mash into the fermenter.

Add Yeast: Add yeast to the mash. Yeast converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Ferment: Seal the fermenter with an airlock and let it sit in a warm, dark place. Fermentation can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Use a hydrometer to monitor the specific gravity and determine when fermentation is complete.

5. Distillation

Distillation separates alcohol from the fermented mash. Ensure your distillation equipment is clean and sanitized.

a. Set Up the Still:

Fill the still with the fermented mash.

Attach the still head and condenser.

b. Distill the Mash:

Heat the Still: Gradually heat the still to boil off the alcohol. Alcohol boils at a lower temperature (173°F or 78.4°C) than water.

Collect the Distillate: Collect the distillate in separate fractions (foreshots, heads, hearts, and tails):

Foreshots: The first 5% of the distillate, contains methanol and should be discarded.

Heads: The next 30%, contains volatile compounds, should also be discarded.

Hearts: The middle 30-40%, is the purest ethanol and should be kept.

Tails: The final part, contains heavier compounds, can be discarded or redistilled.

6. Purification and Dilution

a. Purify the Distillate:

Use a carbon filter to remove any remaining impurities and achieve a clean taste.

b. Dilute to Bottling Strength:

Vodka is typically bottled at 40% ABV (80 proof). Dilute the distillate with distilled water to reach the desired alcohol content. Use a hydrometer to measure and adjust the alcohol concentration.

7. Bottling and Aging

Bottle the Vodka: Once diluted, bottle the vodka in clean, sanitized bottles.

Aging (Optional): Vodka does not typically require aging, but you can let it rest for a few days to allow flavors to mellow.

8. Safety and Cleanliness

Safety First: Always distill in a well-ventilated area away from open flames. Alcohol vapor is highly flammable.

Sanitize Equipment: Properly clean and sanitize all equipment before and after use to prevent contamination.


Distilling vodka is a complex process that combines art and science. By carefully following each step and ensuring safety and legality, you can produce high-quality vodka at home. Enjoy your homemade vodka responsibly and appreciate the craft that goes into every bottle.

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